Sunday, 30 December 2007
I even used the iron to steam block it.
Now though it is all going horribly wrong. I have just spent 2 hours in total silence sat on the floor picking up 111 stitches. I thought it looked OK until I started to knit them, and I think they look terrible.
I'm not entirely sure however, as 111 stitches with such fat yarn is rather a lot and the whole thing is horribly squished. This clearly needs a cicular needle, but I don't have a 9mm circ and the pattern didn't suggest it so I didn't buy one. I would have ordered one with the yarn had I realised.
*sigh* this has gone froma "yay!" project to a suck project in a remarkably short space of time. all I can do is persevere and see what it looks like at the end I guess...
Friday, 28 December 2007

Originally uploaded by cob_web
I have finished the back of my v-neck! Hurrah.
I had terrible dilemmas about the sizing. I measured myself and was 36in across the bust, so was going to make the size 12, but the finished size was 43in! Which seemed ENORMOUS, and I didn't want it to be baggy. I posted on LJ about it and got lots of advice. One person was also a 36 and had frogged the 12 as it was huge. Apparently it was also almost knee length. So I cast on for a size 8, but after about 20cm decided it was going to be too tight at the ribbing, so frogged that and went for the size 10. I Think its going to be OK....
As mentioned earlier, I did spit-splicing for teh first time. which rocks. I used water though.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Still slightly suspicious it might come appart when I'm not looking though...
Sunday, 23 December 2007
A scarf for Dee

A scarf for Dee
Originally uploaded by cob_web
I finished the final christmas scarf! Go me! This one was a pattern from Bloomenee on Britknits. I didn't have any circs of a useful size so I had to do it on straights. As such it was really bunched up and I didn't think it was long enough. The pattern said to cast on 150-200 stitches but I kept going... I think it was 220 in the end.
Doh! Its ENORMOUS! I quite like it though.
I need to work on my cast off - I tried to do it loosely but its still tighter than my cast-on edge. Oh well.
Saturday, 22 December 2007

Saturday, 15 December 2007
Not much to report

Tank top
Originally uploaded by cob_web
I am waiting for some Rowan Big Wool to arrive so I can knit the tank top shown. I'm not too sure about tank tops, but my fashionable sister assures me it will look great. Our office doens't have a separate thermostat and gets BOILING hot. So people open the windows. Only I'm really sensitive to I thought this would be useful.
I wouldn't usually splash out on Rowan, but I had a voucher for Get Knitted. I ordered 3 weeks ago though :-(
Finished the dreaded xmas scarf 4 during the week, and have started on another one. No pics yet though, I forgot to take any earlier, and its already dark.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Peacock Jaywalkers

peacock sock 4
Originally uploaded by cob_web
No, I haven't finished the dreaded scarves, yes I have started socks...
I'm knitting the Jaywalker pattern with some Opal Rainforest yarn some friends gave me. The colourway is "Pfau" (Peacock) and honestly? I'm not sure I like it.
The pattern seems good though. However, you can probably spot the not so deliberate mistake in teh photo. I messed up the placement of the double decrease in the middle of the first needle for quite a few rows. I blame Spooks (it was gripping) but its odd I got it wrong on that needle only - repeatedly! I decided to leave it in as I can't frog socks very well, and they are for me. The colour is a bit suspect anyway...