Thursday, 25 June 2009


Things are improving on the lace front. For some reason I hadn’t thought of spit splicing – thanks Christina! It worked like a charm and no ends to weave in.


I also managed to fix the mistake. It was so simple to do in the end. I just needed to take a step back and have a break before the fog would lift! Just in case I ever go back and read these in future – Jess, DON’T KNIT LACE WHEN ILL!!


So although I didn’t get much done, I fixed the mistake and got back to where I had been before – so I am now two repeats into the basket weave section (of 7 repeats). This means I am 14% through the whole shawl. That sounds a bit high to me, but that’s what the maths says!


I should get on with my work now (I can’t access blogger from work, but you can update by email – handy!). Problem is my brain is still not fully used to the new drugs, and I’m having to do some complex stuff using GIS, excel and my brain. For once its not the IT that is letting me down… still, its after 10:30 now so I can have my first diet coke of the day…

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Unknown said...

Yeah! I loved knitting my Hanami. It's an absolutely fantastic stole.

tinebeest said...

Well done with the lace fix!

And the legal blurp at the end of your post (which came via e-mail) makes for a rather hilarious post :-)

We loves you. We really do!