Wednesday 19 November 2008


I am mildly obsessed with knitting my new socks (Rav link), which are Bellatrix socks (another Rav link). So much so that I am getting a callous on my left first finger where I push the needle. I'm using thinner needles than I ever have before, which was a little scary at first.

No real pics yet as its not light enough when I leave for work and too dark when I get home...

The main problem is that the cast-on is way too tight. I have unpicked it a bit, and it doesn't appear to be about to unravel on me, nor can I see any "live" stitches.... but I'm not convinced. The sparse advice I got on Ravelry (my posts on the main boards always sink really quickly) is to cut into the sock before the ribbing and knit back up from there. I think I'm going to finish and check I have enough before I do that.

On the other hand, if they aren't going to come apart, is there any harm in just unpicking some of the cast-on and leaving it as it is?

1 comment:

tinebeest said...

You might have more success on one of the sock groups (plenty of them) with an answer to your question. I am a loose knitter, and my cast-on is the same, so I have no idea what you could do post-fact.